What is Chiropractic?
​​The term Chiropractic derives from the Greek language and simply means ‘done by hand’.
Chiropractic is therefore a natural and safe treatment that works to restore optimal health and function for your joints, muscles and nervous system.
People seek Chiropractic care for a variety of different reasons. These may include maintaining or improving a postural concern, a recent onset of acute pain (i.e. neck pain, back pain, headaches or pain in the extremity joints), or alternatively when the complaint has lasted for a longer period and become a chronic problem.
Pain is one of the ways our bodies tell us that there is something out of balance. Chiropractic care can identify the contributory underlying neurological, biomechanical or physiological cause of your complaint, and therefore work to effectively treat, rehabilitate and relieve. By addressing the root cause, we can help you understand causative factors, working together to prevent the issue from reoccurring long-term.
If you have any questions about if Chiropractic is right for you, please get in contact – we would welcome the opportunity to discuss how we can help the individual needs of you and your family.

Pregnancy Care
Having regular prenatal Chiropractic care encourages proper spinal and pelvic alignment as well as nervous system function. These factors help contribute to optimal foetal positioning, improved mobility and comfort throughout pregnancy as well
as the possibility for a reduced average labour time and less intervention during the natural birth process.
Prenatal Chiropractic techniques are adapted specifically to suit the individual needs of the body during the exciting period of growth and change. We have a specialist pregnancy treatment pillow allowing you to lay prone on the bench during your visits. The above factors contribute to safe and comfortable care for both mum and baby.
Laura is fully qualified in Webster Technique – a pregnancy-specific Chiropractic technique. While beneficial for all pregnancies, Webster is commonly associated as a possible intervention in the occurrence of breech presentations.
This technique is an assessment and correction of imbalances of the Sacrum, pelvic joints and associated soft tissues where there is a musculoskeletal cause of intrauterine constraint. In these cases, Webster Technique can contribute to allowing the baby to turn naturally to optimal positioning without the need
for extra interventions.
A study from the Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics stated that: “When successful, the Webster Technique avoids the costs and/or risks of external cephalic version, Caesarean section, or vaginal trial of breech. In view
of these findings, the Webster Technique deserves serious consideration in the health care management of expectant mothers exhibiting adverse foetal presentation.”
For more information about Chiropractic care during pregnancy and your specific needs, please contact us.